North Renfrew Snowmobile Association was formed in 1975 to coordinate and establish a trail grooming group. The first president of the NRSA was George Leaky, the NRSA consisted of 4 clubs:
Westend Snow Trackers (Deep River)w ith a membership of 40-45 family members
Laurentian Sno Gilders (Deep RIver) with a membership o 40-45 family members.
Valley Snow Travellers (Deep RIver) with a membership of 70-80 family members.
Chalk River Snowdifters (Chalk River) with a membership of 40-45 family members.
In 1976 the Wilderness Snow Travellers joined the NRSA with a membership of12 members. The Wilderness Snow Travellers were replaced by the Missing Link Snowmobile Club.
Below are these clubs original crests: